Download SP Flash Tool 5.1628 for Windows and Linux


SP flash tool or Smartphone Flash tool is a free application which allows you to flash stock ROM, Custom recovery, mods and tweaks on your MTK Android device. SP Flash Tool is designed especially for MediaTek Android smartphones and it’s available on Windows and Linux. You can also use SP Flash tool to fix a bricked Android device and can also create full stock ROM backup of the device. We have tested SP Flash Tool on Windows 10, Windows 8.1/8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows and on Linux and it worked perfectly. The new version of SP Flash Tool for Windows is 5.1628 and it supports MT65xx, MT67xx and MT83xx.

sp flash tool for mtk devices

If you are interested and want to download SP Flash Tool 5.1628 for Windows and Linux then follow the download link below.

Download SP Flash Tool 5.1628 MTK Flash Tool for Windows and Linux:

SP Flash Tool 5.1628 for Windows

SP Flash Tool for Linux (64 bit)

SP Flash Tool for Linux (32 bit)


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