Dragon Ball Legends Trailer Released for Mobile Devices


Namco Bandai announced a brand new Dragon Ball game which is coming on both iOS and Android devices. The upcoming Dragon Ball title is Dragon Ball Legends and it is a three on three fighting game featuring all the popular characters of the Dragon Ball series, including Goku, Frieza, Piccolo, Nappa, Vegeta, Pan, Krillin and an entirely new character designed by the Dragon Ball creator itself, Akira Toriyama.

dragon ball legends

The upcoming Dragon Ball Legends will feature a card based interface. The game also offers a multiplayer mode. Namco Bandai has already released the trailer of Dragon Ball Legends which you can check below. Namco hasn’t announced any release date yet but the game is slated to arrive this summer. However, you can pre-register for the game on the official website link.



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