How to Hide Home Button from Always On Display on Galaxy S8


Always on Display or AOD is a well-known feature to the people who use flagship devices. Recently, many manufacturers have started including Always on Display on their flagship devices. Therefore, Samsung Galaxy S8 is not an exception and have this very handy Always On Display feature. Always on Display lets, you have a peek on some essential information like clock or calendar while the screen is off. Because of the AMOLED display technology you don’t have to worry about the battery drain. However, in the case of Samsung Galaxy S8, there is another thing which is quite weird to some and that is the odd looking home button at the bottom center. Today, we bring you the guide which will tell you How to Hide Home Button from Always On Display on Galaxy S8.

Apart from, home button ruining the beauty of Always On Display, the home button is also a cause for screen burn-ins. Time and Date or other information is always changing which results in changing of pixels on a constant basis. While the home-button is just there and the same pixels are on forever, therefore this could damage your screen. Fortunately, removing the home button from Always On Display on Galaxy S8 is not that hard, in fact, it’s not hard at all. By following the below guide on How to Hide Home Button from Always On Display on Galaxy S8, you will get rid of the home button from Always on Display in a jiffy. No root, modification or third party apps are required to achieve this.

So, if you want to hide the home button from Always on Display then follow the below guide.

Hide Home Button from Always On Display on Galaxy S8

How to Hide Home Button from Always On Display on Galaxy S8

  1. Turn on your Galaxy S8 and head towards Settings >> Lock Screen and security >> here tap on Always on Display. Don’t toggle it off, just tap on the text to access Always on Display settings.
  2. In AOD Settings Tap on “Content to Show”.
  3. Here, tap on “Clock or Information”. That’s it! The home button from Always On display is gone now. Since you changed the Content to show from Home button and clock or information to Clock or information.

Now the question is that how wake screen with home button hidden on Always on Display. Well, the answer is pretty simple, just double tap or long press the screen where the home button used to be and it would wake up your Galaxy S8 screen. Now you know how to hide or remove home button from Always on Display.


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