YouTube Dark Mode is available for the desktop website for a long time. Google recently added Dark Mode to the YouTube mobile app. However, there is one little problem for Android users: only iOS got the Dark Mode at this moment. For Android users it’s still “Coming Soon” and nobody knows when it’s going to be added to Android YouTube app. It’s a shame that Google owns both YouTube and Android but still, iOS users get to use Dark Mode first. Anyhow, the Android developer community is not going to wait for Google to bring Dark Mode to YouTube App. There is an app called Preferences Manager, developed by Firefly, through which you can Enable YouTube Dark Mode on Android.
This method requires root access since the app is going to modify the a value in the shared-prefs in /data. Therefore, if you have a rooted device then you are in for a treat. Just follow our guide and within in no time, you will be able to enable YouTube Dark Mode on Android.
How to Enable YouTube Dark Mode on Android
- First of all, download and install Preferences Manager.
- Launch Preferences Manager from your app drawer.
- Find YouTube from the list.
- Open youtube.xml and search for dark.
- Change both values from false to true.
- If you don’t have the values, add them (theme_dark_app and theme_dark_watch_panel) and change them to true.
- Save and then force close YouTube app.
Now, next time when you open the app it should be in Dark Mode.
That’s it! Now you know how to enable YouTube Dark Mode on Android.
Screenshots| AL_IRAQI