Rules of Survival is an action-packed mobile game which is deserved to be played on bigger screens. That’s why we wrote a guide on How to Download Rules of Survival for PC and MAC. Rules of Survival take place in a big HD Map thus it looks stunning on bigger screens. Now, it’s time that we learn How to Play Rules of Survival on PC with Keyboard and Mouse. No matter how advanced mobile gaming get you can never have a control on a game like you have with Keyboard and Mouse. You can use Keyboard and mouse to play Rules of Survival when its run through Bluestack Android emulator.
Once you start playing Rules of Survival on PC and MAC with Keyboard and Mouse then you wouldn’t like this game on the mobile phone. All you have to is configure keys in Bluestack Android Emulator and then you are good to go. Kindly see below video to learn how to set keyboard and mouse in Bluestack Android Emulator to play Rules of Survival.