One Handed Mode Available For All Android Devices via LineageOS 14.1


Since the launch of smart devices, we have seen tremendous advancement in the displays of these devices. We have devices which have 4K resolution on the mere 5.5-inch screen, some argue that such high resolutions are just overkill and useless. Anyhow, the smartphone producers are adamant on producing bigger and bigger screens. There was a time when a 4.7-inch screen was considered very big. Samsung Galaxy Note was launched in 2011 with a humongous 5.3-inch screen and at that time people were skeptical about the usefulness of such a big screen. But today 5.3-inch is considered a normal screen. Even budget phones come with this screen size. With such big sizes, we faced a new issue of the one-handed use of smartphones. To counter this issue, OEMs started incorporating one-handed mode feature to their ROMs.

Samsung has had a one-handed mode in TouchWiz / Samsung Experience since 2012. LG V20 also have one-handed mode feature. Apple introduced Reachability to iOS in 2014. Remember iPhone 6 was launched in 2014 with a 4.7-inch screen size and knew right away that the users will suffer from one-handed usability. Other OEMs like Xiaomi and Huawei have added the one-handed mode to MIUI and EMUI respectively.


However, the One-handed mode isn’t restricted to OEM skins on Android. LineageOS, the most famous Custom ROM, jumped on the bandwagon and introduced the Single Hand Mode to the Custom ROM. The thing to note here is that LineageOS’s Single Hand Mode looks similar to Huawei’s one-handed Mode in EMUI. It’s actually based on Huawei’s code. One of the Huawei’s employee made commits to AOSP but there were just too many conflicts, therefore, it was never merged to AOSP. LineageOS took the code and modified it to the perfection. Single Hand Mode is now available in LineageOS 14.1 in an entirely stable capacity and without resulting in any kind of conflicts.

So, if you are using LineageOS 14.1 Custom ROM then you can use your device with one hand, thanks to Single Hand Mode.


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