In this Android Tutorial, we are going to tell you how to enable all lock screen weather effects on LG Devices.
A weather update is a very important feature in any modern smartphone available in the market. Most of the OEMs provide you this information on lock-screen via a small icon next to the time or date. However, LG has been doing it all differently on its smartphones. It displays weather effects on the lock screen of their smartphones. Over the years, users have been modding the LGKeyguardEffect.apk to unlock more weather effects. This has been the practice until recently when an XDA Senior Member pittvandewitt found a different way of doing things on the LG G7 ThinQ and LG V30.
By decompiling the LGKeyguardEffect.apk pittvandewitt discovered it is actually reading a boolean value from the build.prop file. Therefore, you don’t need to tinker with the original APK and break the app signature. All you need to do is to add “” to build.prop and reboot. This will unlock Sunny and Cloudy visual effects on your LG G7 ThinQ and LG V30.
However, don’t forget to enable the feature under Settings – Lock screen & security – Customize Lock screen – Weather animation. The developer has tested this on LG G7 ThinQ and LG V30 so far, but he thinks that it should work on any LG Stock ROM with LGKeyguardEffect version 1.0.02 on most of LG Devices.
The developer has also provided a Magisk Module if you are not comfortable with editing the build.prop file.