How to Enable and Use Gesture Navigation on Android Pie


Gesture Navigation is one of the biggest features introduced in Android Pie. At the moment, it’s not enabled by default, therefore, you need to enable Gesture Navigation by completing two to three steps. In this Android Tutorial, we are going to tell you How to Enable Gesture Navigation on Android Pie.

Google hasn’t applied Gesture Navigation in Android Pie by default. It will be enabled by default on Google Pixel 3 though. Anyhow, it’s not a rocket science to enable Gesture Navigation on Android Pie, all you need to do is to follow some steps. But if you are using Android Pie on anything other Google Pixel 3 than at first you will see Android’s traditional navigation buttons. Don’t like them? Keep on reading and learn how to enable Gesture Navigation on Android Pie. We are also going to tell you how to use the Gesture Navigation, as enabling this feature is very easy but using it could be tricky. So, make sure that you read till the last in order to successfully use the Gesture Navigation on Android Pie.

How to Enable Gesture Navigation on Android Pie

Gesture Navigation on Android Pie

  1. Launch the Settings App on your Device.
  2. In the Settings Menu, Tap on Gestures.
  3. In Gestures Section, you will see a list of different Gestures with toggle buttons. From the list toggle “Swipe up on Home Button”.
  4. Now you must see a gesture “pill” and contextual back button instead of traditional navigation buttons.
  5. Now Tap on the Pill Button to get back to the home screen.

You have successfully enabled Gesture Navigation on Android Pie. Now it’s time to learn how to use Gesture Navigation on Android Pie.

How To Use Gesture Navigation on Android Pie

  1. Perform a quick swipe up on the pill button to access the recent apps.
  2. A quick swipe of the pill would switch you between the two most recently used apps.
  3. Going back in this new Gesture Navigation is a bit tricky. Google has made the Go Back button It means it will only appear when it’s needed. So, if you are not seeing it, it means there’s nothing to go back to.
  4. To access split-screen multitasking, you need to tap on the icon in the recent apps menu to reveals a list of options, including the multitasking button.

There you have it, now you know how to enable and use Gesture Navigation on Android Pie. A little bit of practice will ease out the things.


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