How to Install Android P Screenshot Editor on Any Android Device


Android P Developer Preview 1 has been out on the market for quite some time now. It brings a lot of changes under the hood along with some noticeable visual changes as well. Android P Developer Preview is only available for Pixel Devices at the moment. We have already told you How to install Android P Developer Preview on Pixel Devices. Anyhow, as expected, one of the most noticeable features of Android P has already been ported out by XDA member Quinny899. The ported out feature is called Screenshot Edit Feature. Quinny899 easily ported out Screenshot Edit Feature since he realized that it’s a separate app itself called Markup. Thus, he simply pulled it out of the system and made it available for download as a standalone app. Therefore, now, you can Install Android P Screenshot Editor on Any Android Device.

If you are thinking that Android P Screenshot Edit feature means scrolling screenshot then you are wrong. Screenshot Edit feature lets you edit the screenshot as soon as you take it. You can immediately edit it to highlight certain parts or doodle on it. It’s a shame that we still have to wait for a scrolling screenshot feature. Anyhow, for the time being, you should follow our guide on How to Install Android P Screenshot Editor on Any Android Device.

Before, proceeding, keep one thing in mind: The Screenshot Edit Feature won’t work the same on Android Oreo or lower version as it works on Android P. When you take a screenshot on Android P  the notification has an EDIT button (As shown in below screenshot).

Install Android P Screenshot Editor

However, it would be little different on Android Oreo and lower Android version. We will tell you the workaround at the end of the post, first let’s see how to install Android P Screenshot Editor on any Android Device.

How to Install Android P Screenshot Editor on Any Android Device

  • Download Markup APK for Android.
  • Copy the downloaded APK to your Android device.
  • To install APK files from other sources you will have to go to Setting >> Security >> Allow Unknown Sources. Once you check this option you will be able to install the files.
  • Tap the downloaded APK to initiate the installation process
  • After completion, you cannot launch the Markup app from your app drawer.

How to use Android P Screenshot Edit Feature on Android Oreo via Markup

  • Once the app installed, all you have to is to click on the Share Option on the Screenshot notification.
  • From the Android share menu, select Markup.
  • This will launch the Android P Markup App, which you installed by following the above steps.

That’s it! This is how you can get Android P Screenshot Edit Feature on any Android Device.



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