How to Install Android 7.1.2 Nougat Custom ROM On Galaxy S6 G920F via Lineage OS


Lineage OS has released Android 7.1.2 Nougat Custom ROM for Samsung Galaxy S6 G920F. The Custom ROM performed tremendously on Galaxy S6 G920F. Thanks to the Lineage OS developers, now you can enjoy latest Android 7.1.2 on your Galaxy S6. This latest custom ROM comes with a lot of new features which you cannot enjoy with stock ROMS. However, along with custom features, all official features of Android 7.1.2 Nougat are also included in this custom ROM. In this Android Tutorial, will tell you How to Install Android 7.1.2 Nougat Custom ROM on Galaxy S6 G920F via Lineage OS.

The Lineage OS  based on Android 7.1.2 Nougat is an extremely fast Custom ROM, with the smooth user experience. Moreover, it’s also known for very good battery timing. Therefore, without any further ado let’s jump to the requirements and a step by step guide on How to Install Android 7.1.2 Nougat Custom ROM  on Galaxy S6 G920F via Lineage OS.

However before proceeding please take note that this guide is only meant to be used on Galaxy S6 G920F. Please don’t try it on any other Galaxy Model.



  • Your device must be rooted and TWRP recovery must be installed.
  • Before proceeding any further backup all your important data like Emails, Messages, Personal Photos, and Videos.
  • Download and install Latest Samsung Galaxy S6 G920F USB drivers on your Windows PC or Mac.
  • Make sure USB Debugging mode is enabled on your Android Device. You can enable USB Debugging by going to Settings Developer Options.
  • The device should be charged up to 70% to avoid any unexpected shutdowns. This is very important, any shutdown during the process can damage your device permanently.


How to Install Android 7.1.2 Nougat Custom ROM On Galaxy S6 G920F via Lineage OS

We have tried to keep to very simple, for that reason we have put the guide step by step. You just need to follow every step carefully.

  1. Download Lineage OS Android 7.1.2 ROM and Google Apps for your device.
  2. Connect your Galaxy S6 to the computer via USB cable.
  3. Copy/Paste Android 7.1.2 and zip files to your SD Card. Make sure to place files on the root of SD Card and not in any folder.
  4. Then turn off your device and disconnect the USB Cable.
  5. Now get into recovery mode. Turn On the phone while pressing and holding Volume Up + Home + Power Button together.
  6. Tap on Wipe and format the partitions including Cache, Dalvik-Cache, Data, System.
  7. Now go back the main menu of recovery and tap on Install. Then select the ROM from storage and Swipe to initiate the installation.
  8. Repeat the same process for installing Google GAPPS after you are done with Step 7.
  9. That’s it! Now simply navigate to Recovery Mode Main Screen and select “Reboot System Now”. First boot can take up to five minutes.


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