Pokemon Go legendary Pokemon Lugia and Articuno now live


Despite of several issues during the live event, Niantic announced that Pokemon Go fans will start seeing Lugia in raid battles within the next 48 hours and the Fest attendees will all see Lugia in their accounts tonight. During the event, Niantic has been tracking the individual team’s contribution to the overall “Mystery Challenge” and according to the stats, Team Mystic won the whole challenge.

The second legendary monster will be Articuno, and is live now. Players on social media have already started sharing pictures of legendary Pokemon. So, if you are a Pokemon Go fan then it’s time to capture the legendary Pokemon. Pokemon Go is already available on Google Play Store you can download the game from there or you can download it manually from here.

Here are some of the screenshots fans shared on the social media.

pokemon go articuno pokemon go lugia and articuno


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