How to Block Ludo Star Game Invites on Facebook


Ludo is one of most played board games in India and Pakistan. You will see Ludo Board in every home as people from age groups loves to play it. Ludo Star is the perfect Android game which implicates good old Ludo on your Android phone. Which means you can compete in Ludo on the go and play with different players from all around the world. You can also send invites to your friends on Facebook for one good Ludo match. However, sending invites feature can get annoying sometimes since not everyone wants to play Ludo Star. But who love to play this game will send you game invites ruthlessly. Therefore, if you want to stop game invites on Facebook then you are in right place. Today, we will tell you How to Block Ludo Star Game Invites on Facebook.

Block Ludo Star Game Invites on Facebook

How to Block Ludo Star Game Invites on Facebook

  • Log in to your Facebook Account on your PC or MAC.
  • Now access your Facebook Settings.
  • On the Facebook Settings page, click on Apps in the left-hand column.
  • In App settings page on top, you will see the websites or applications on which you are logged in with your Facebook account.
  • Scroll down a bit and you will see Game and App Notifications Simply click Edit and then click on Turn Off.

That’s it! This is how you block ludo star game invites on Facebook. This will stop your friends from sending game requests on Facebook. Now whenever you receive a notification on mobile, it won’t be an annoying game invite at least.


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