How To Increase Color Saturation On a Rooted LG G5 with KPPD


LG G5 features an amazing IPS LCD 5.3 inches 1440 x 2560 display. The screen on LG G5 is excellent calibration-wise. LG is known for producing state of the art displays, Google is heavily investing in LG’s display division and most probably LG will produce screens for upcoming Pixel 2. Anyhow, despite having great screen calibration LG G5 lacks a little bit of color saturation, especially if you compare it with Samsung’s vivid screens. But this color saturation issue with LG G5 can now be fixed easily with KPPD, given you have a rooted LG G5 and TWRP must be installed on your device. In this tutorial, we will tell you how to increase color saturation on a rooted LG G5 with KPPD.

Without any further ado, let’s jump to the guide and learn how to increase color saturation on rooted LG G5.

How To Increase Color Saturation On a Rooted LG G5


  • Your LG G5 must be rooted and TWRP must be installed.
  • Before proceeding any further backup all your important data like Emails, Messages, Personal Photos, and Videos.
  • Download and install Latest LG G5 USB drivers on your Windows PC.
  • Make sure USB Debugging mode is enabled on your Android Device. You can enable USB Debugging by going to Settings > Developer Options.
  • The device should be charged up to 70% to avoid any unexpected shutdowns. This is very important, any shutdown during the process can damage your device permanently.


How To Increase Color Saturation On a Rooted LG G5 with KPPD

  1. Download file for LG G5 from above link.
  2. Connect your LG G5 with PC via USB cable and copy/paste the downloaded file on your device.
  3. Now turn off the device completely and disconnect the USB cable.
  4. Now get into recovery mode. To do so press and the Power and the Volume Down buttons until the LG Logo is displayed on your LG G5. Next, release the buttons for only a moment and then press them again. Now, keep pressing the buttons until the TWRP recovery mode menu is displayed.
  5. Tap on Install from TWRP main menu and select Once selected, Swipe to initiate the installation process.
  6. Reboot your LG G5, once installation is completed.
  7. Now, setup a script to run at boot. Install and launch ROM Toolbox Lite to setup the script. In ROM Toolbox Lite go to Scripter in the Tools section. Here, name the script and in commands section type in the following command without quotes “kppd /system/etc/postproc.conf”.
  8. Now that the script is set to run at boot. Edit postproc.conf with any Root text editor and set the settings as it pleases you. The default color saturation value is set at “255” you can change it to say “275”.

This is how to increase color saturation on rooted LG G5.



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