How to Install Android 10 OTA Update on Essential Phone PH-1


Download Android 10 OTA update file for Essential Phone PH-1 from this post. Essential Phone PH-1 was launched with Android 7.1 Nougat, and today they are pushing Android 10 update to their devices. Only Pixel devices have received Android 10 update before Essential Phone. The journey of Android updates for Essential phones has been phenomenal. Where the giants like Samsung struggles to push timely updates and only provides two major updates to its devices, Essential is successfully pushing out its 4th major update for Essential Phone PH-1. The update is pushed via OTA update at the moment, so it’s going to take some time before it reaches your device. However, if you don’t want to wait then you can manually update your device to Android 10. Just follow our guide and learn how to install Android 10 on Essential Phone PH-1.

Android 10 OTA Update

You can now enjoy all the latest and greatest features of Android 10 on your Essential Phone. This is probably going to be the last major update this phone is going to get. I highly doubt that it will receive Android 11 update. Because by then the hardware of the Essential Phone would have also become old. And the company doesn’t plan on releasing any new devices. So, download and update your Essential Phone to Android 10. Before you proceed, below in the Prerequisites section, there are some things which should be followed and checked properly.


  • Make sure that your Essential PH-1 is running on the latest stock firmware from Essential.
  • Before proceeding any further backup all your important data like Emails, Messages, Personal Photos, and Videos.
  • Download and install Latest Essential PH-1 USB drivers on your Windows PC or Mac.
  • Make sure USB Debugging mode is enabled on your Android Device. You can enable USB Debugging by going to Settings > Developer Options.
  • Setup and install ADB and Fastboot drivers on your PC.
  • Charge your device up to 70% to avoid any unexpected shutdowns. This is very important, any shutdown during the process can damage your device permanently.

Download Android 10 OTA Update File for Essential Phone

  • Download

How to Install Android 10 on Essential Phone PH-1

  • Connect the device to your PC via a USB cable.
  • Go to ADB and Fastboot folder and open the command prompt there. Hold shift key + Right click> Select Open Command Window here.
  • Boot your phone into recovery mode by entering the following adb command: adb reboot recovery
  • Once in recovery mode, hold the Power button, then press the Volume Up button one time. When the menu appears, select Apply update from ADB.
  • Now enter adb devices in command prompt. This command will return your device name. Make sure sideload appears next to it.
  • Use the following command to sideload the update zip on your Essential PH-1: adb sideload <path to> Downloaded OTA Zip File

Replace <path to> with the path where you placed the update file.

That’s it! The update will take some time to get installed. So, don’t worry! Once it’s installed, simply reboot your device and enjoy Android 10 on your Essential phone.


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