What is Fortnite Custom Matchmaking Key and How to Get it?


Fortnite Battle Royale is one of the hottest Android games at this moment. Many factions of the community declare it bigger than PUBG Mobile, Rules of Survival, and of course FortCraft. Fortnite carries the Battle Royale genre where 100 players left stranded on an abandoned island and only way out is to fight the other players until you are the only when standing, alive. Usually, when you and your friends are ready to battle in Fortnite match your squad gets chucked into the first game available. But with Custom Matchmaking feature, just introduced in Fortnite, you get to choose who joins the match. Which means you can have private matches and only those with Fortnite Custom Matchmaking Key would be able to join your match. To create a custom match you would need custom matchmaking key only then you can pass it over to other to join your custom match.

Fortnite Custom Matchmaking Key

How to Get Fortnite Custom Matchmaking Key

Many of you must be searching for how to get Fortnite Custom Matchmaking Key. Unfortunately, most users don’t have access to the key at this moment. Epic games have decided to go slow and is only testing Fortnite Custom Matchmaking Feature with a handful of Twitch and YouTube streamers. But, the feature will soon be released for masses.


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