Fast Charging Support Coming To Xiaomi Mi A1 With Android Oreo Update


A couple of weeks ago Xiaomi released Android Oreo Beta for a selected number of Mi A1 devices. The ones who received the update enjoy the usual upgraded features of Android Oreo including picture-in-picture mode, and smart text selection. However, there was a surprise feature which was known to nobody until know. And that was Mi A1 Fast Charging Support. Cheer up all Mi A1 owners you will be able to charge your device from 0% to 100% within 92 minutes only. This was recently discovered by the guys over at TelecomTalk, who tested the update on Xiaomi’s first Android One smartphone.

Mi A1 Fast Charging

Despite having the adequate hardware, Fast Charging is not featured by many Xiaomi’s devices. However, in case of Mi A1, this came as a surprise to all the users. Once your device is updated to stable version of Android Oreo. You will be able to enjoy Mi A1 Fast Charging. This move will definitely increase the sales of the device as we don’t see Fast Charging support for devices in budget range.


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