Download Haven Keep Watch APK for Android


Haven Keep Watch is the latest security app which turns any Android Smartphone into a full-fledged security system. This is the app designed and developed by none other than the most popular whistleblower of recent history, Mr. Edward Snowden. The app is currently running with version number  0.1.0-beta-3. Haven Keep Watch got updated on December 21, 2017, in which the devs have improved controls for sensor sensitivity. You can download Haven Keep Watch APK for Android from our website.

Edward Snowden is an American computer professional, former Central Intelligence Agency employee, who exposed the agency’s malicious practices of invading the private lives of people. Therefore, while installing Haven Keep watch, privacy invasion shouldn’t be of any concern.

“Haven is for people who need a way to protect their personal spaces and possessions without compromising their own privacy,” the new app’s website explains. “We designed Haven for investigative journalists, human rights defenders, and people at risk of forced disappearance to create a new kind of herd immunity.”

Download Haven Keep Watch APK

This security app has all the essential features of audio recording, video recording, motion detection etc.  The best thing is that it’s an open-source app which means the developers can customize as they deem fit.

This is a very good security app, so without any further ado lets jump straight to the download link of Haven Keep Watch APK.

Download Haven Keep Watch APK for Android

  • Download Haven Keep Watch APK for Android.
  • Copy the downloaded APK to your Android device.
  • To install APK files from other sources you will have to go to Setting >> Security >> Allow Unknown Sources. Once you check this option you will be able to install the files.
  • Tap the downloaded APK to initiate the installation process
  • After completion, launch Haven Keep Watch and make your home, office, courtyard etc, a safer place.


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