Subway Surfers Bangkok 1.68.0 is the latest version of Subway Surfers available on Google Play Store and it comes with a brand new map to explorer, new upgrades, new outfit and a lot of bug fixes. The new Subway Surfers 1.68.0 was launched on March 2, 2017 and its file size is 62 MB. If you are familiar with the gameplay of Subway Surfers then you must know that in order to unlock some cool boards you need to have your wallet full of coins and keys.
Now, the good news is we have found the modded APK of Subway Surfers 1.68.0 Bangkok and its loaded with unlimited coins and keys. If you are interested and want to install Subway Surfers 1.68.0 Bangkok modded APK on Android then follow the steps.
Download Subway Surfers 1.68.0 Bangkok Modded APK for Android
Download the Subway Surfers 1.68.0 Bangkok Modded APK.
Download it directly in your Android device or you can use your PC..
Remove any previous version of Subway Surfers, if you have installed any.
Open the downloaded APK file and complete the installation process.
Once completed, Play the game. Now you should have unlimited Coins and Keys in Subway Surfers Bangkok.