How to install Google Pixel 2 Camera App on Essential Phone


Google’s latest Pixel devices are not spared from the wrath of power Android users. They have used Pixel 2 to its full potential and reported the problems they faced. However, one thing in Google Pixel 2 seems to be perfect and that is its Camera. Pixel 2 has said to have the best available camera in the market at the moment. Not only Pixel 2, even older Pixel devices had one hell of the camera. This is the reason that Google Pixel 2 Camera App has been ported to work on other devices as well. A couple of months back we shared a tutorial on How to Install Google Camera HDR+ APK on Samsung Android Devices. Today, we are going to share a tutorial on How to install Google Pixel 2 Camera App on Essential Phone. This time it’s not an APK, this time it comes via a Magisk Mod. To install this Google Pixel 2 Camera App port on Essential you have to have a rooted Essential Phone.

This mod brings the Google Pixel 2’s AR Stickers, portrait mode (with both front and rear cameras), HDR+, support for HEVC (H.265), and slow-motion recording to Essential Phone. You Essential Phone must be running on Android 8.0 Oreo beta 2 firmware if you want this mod to work properly.

The developer has been really open about what he is doing via this mod. Below are the changes that the Google Pixel 2 Camera App mod will make in your Essential Phone.


Replaces media_profiles_V1_0.xml in vendor/etc and media_profiles_V1_0.dtd in system/etc.

Adds calibration_cad and device_profile.proto in system/etc and GCAM 1.4b2ARcore, and ARStickers in system/priv-app

Anyhow, if you are interested in installing Google Pixel 2 Camera App on your Essential Phone. Then follow the below guide carefully.

Google Pixel 2 Camera App


  • Rooted Essential Phone
  • Magisk Framework v15.0
  • Official Android Oreo Beta 2


How to install Google Pixel 2 Camera App on Essential Phone

  1. Download GCAM Magisk Port from the ‘Downloads’ Transfer the downloaded zip file to your Essential Phone.
  2. Now launch the Magisk Manager App on your Essential phone and go o the Modules
  3. Tap on the floating + button at the bottom.
  4. Navigate to the transferred GCAM Magisk Port zip file and long press it to select it.
  5. After that, Tap on OPEN in the top-right corner to install the mod.
  6. Reboot your device once the installation is complete.

That’s it! Now, enjoy the Google Pixel 2 Camera App on Essential Phone.



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