How to Send Coins to Friends in Ludo Star


Despite all the hype Blue Whale Challenge is getting nowadays, Ludo Star is still the hit and probably the most played game at the moment. Ludo Star is an online board game which is very popular in India and Pakistan. Every other person has Ludo Star installed in the smartphone or tablet or even on PC. If you haven’t installed it yet then don’t worry — Click here to Install Ludo Star on Android right now and join the club of millions of players.

We have already shared a trick on how to get six in Ludo Star. Moreover, for something more exciting you can install the hacked Ludo Star APK to get unlimited coins and gems. Today we will tell you how to send coins to friends in Ludo star. If you have coins in abundance then why not share them with your friends. After all, sharing is caring. So, if you want to share or send coins to your friends or want to receive coins from them then follow the below simple step by step guide.

Send Coins to Friends in Ludo Star

How to Send Coins to Friends in Ludo Star

  • First of all, you must have Ludo Star installed on your Android Device.
  • Now Connect your Ludo Star with Facebook. This is essential to send coins to friends in Ludo Star. To connect to Facebook click on a play with Facebook button and login to your Facebook account.
  • Once you are connected with Facebook, ask your friend to invite you to play Ludo Star.
  • Now, that you have joined your friend’s lobby to play the game. Leave the game as soon as it starts. This way you will lose the game and your friend will get all the coins you have.

This is how to send coins to friends in Ludo Star. Keep in mind that same trick can be used to receive coins. Simply, invite your friend to play a game and then ask them to leave so they lose the game you get the coins.

If you have any other trick related to Ludo Star please share with us.


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