Cryptocurrency has gained immense popularity in last 12 months. We have seen the Crypto prices touching skies and then falling to the earth with speed of light. Many dubs it very volatile and unstable currency. We have seen the instability of Cryptocurrency in last 3 to 4 months, the ups and downs of Crypto prices have rendered some really interesting graphs and someone decided to use Bitcoin’s price data as tracks. The game is called Crypto Rider and it’s really fun to play. You can download Crypto Rider APK for Android from this article.
The game is pretty simple, you select your Crypto car and then you go to select a Crypto Chart you want to ride. Crypto Rider is a 2D racing game, where the tracks are real-life historical price data of popular Cryptocurrencies. If you are a crypto investor and is really depressed due to current collapse of Crypto Currency prices then Crypto Rider might be the best game for you. Race along Bitcoins all-time high or the Rise and Fall of Bitconnect.
Table of Contents
Features of Crypto Rider
- Fast-paced racing action
- 9 different Crypto themed cars to unlock
- 10 tracks to race on!
- Compete for the top spot on global leaderboards!
- Shill your high score to your friends with the sharing feature
So, if you are ready to have some fun don’t waste any time and master those bumpy cryptocurrency graphs.
Download Crypto Rider APK for Android
- Download Crypto Rider APK for Android.
- Copy the downloaded APK to your Android device.
- To install APK files from other sources you will have to go to Setting >> Security >> Allow Unknown Sources. Once you check this option you will be able to install the files.
- Tap the downloaded APK to initiate the installation process
- After completion, run Crypto Rider.